Workforce Development Training

Creative, Challenging & Supportive

Financial Wellness


To provide the tools and resources necessary to support and improve the financial wellbeing of the communities we serve; becoming the leading Latinx program in the nation for networking within the Latino small business incubator and start-up communities. 


To provide a 16 week program (offered in English and/or Spanish) to advance business owners’ and their employees’ financial understanding through financial wellness education. 

Digital Literacies Essential Skills

TAD2 Digital Literacies Essential Skills is a suite of skills taught in 16 weeks that participants need for successful 21st. learning, employment, and navigating everyday life.


To provide essential support to individuals and local small businesses and its employees in their efforts to grow their basic digital literacy and to transfer their knowledge and understanding between contexts and purposes.


TAD2 Digital Literacies Essential Skills  is a 16 week program (offered in English and/or Spanish) driven to advance digital literacies understanding through a progression of four essential modules: Number Skills, Communication Skills, Digital Literacy Skills, and EmployabilitySkills.

If you are interested in joining our work force development as a volunteer. please contact us.

Email Address

Phone Number

(301) 377-0656

My Address

9101 Cherry Lane, Suite 213,  Laurel

If you are interested in donating specifically to this effort please

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